Guide: Book Outlines
Churchill Adoga avatar
Written by Churchill Adoga
Updated over a week ago

This article will walk you through the process of generating a book outline based on your customer research. This is an essential time-saving tool, and the AI performs its best work with the help of your thoughtful oversight and input. Let's get started!

Have you watched Module 3's lesson titled Book Outline yet? Start there and

learn what a strong and detailed outline should look like.

Generating a Book Outline

  1. First, add a 'working' main book title for your book. This does not need to be your final title, but it should include your POC and any important target information for your audience. If you are unsure of how to write your title, please watch the Book Title lesson in the Module 3.

2. Next, enter your subtitle for your book. It does not need to be final but should follow the structure of the Book Title lesson in the course.

*Fun Fact!
Our software has a content moderation check to ensure that words you use in your title are in line with Amazon's terms and conditions. However, please do not use offensive words or profanity in your title.

Please do not attempt to troll or test the limits of acceptance within the software. It will flag your user account within

3. Next, enter the vision for your book and your desired writing style.

For the vision of your book, this is your chance to provide additional requirements or wishes. Writing a vision for your book is an important step in the process, helping to guide our AI models to ensure that your final work aligns with your initial goals.

Here you can define:

  • Define the Core Message or Theme

  • Establish Your Unique Perspective

  • Visualize the Impact

You can write the vision in any format: bullet points, full sentences, paragraphs, etc.


A book on anger management may have a vision statement like:

I would like to provide a transformative guide for individuals seeking to understand and manage their anger effectively. It should include actionable strategies to navigate their feelings constructively. It is important to draw from the latest psychological research and and provide relatable examples. I aim to shift the narrative around anger from one of shame and frustration to one of empowerment and understanding, showing that properly managed anger can be a force for positive change. This book aims to not only educate but also to uplift, offering a path to emotional resilience and a more harmonious life.

For the writing style, If you don't have a preference for writing style, you can have the software choose a style that is common for your niche based on your customer research.

You cannot choose conflicting writing styles such as formal and informal. If you choose formal, Informal will grey out.

To learn more about writing styles CLICK HERE

You cannot choose conflicting writing styles such as formal and informal. If you choose formal, Informal will grey out.

4. Do you want to include an Author Bio? This field is optional, but if you wish to include an author bio, it will be used in the introduction of your book. Adding a bio can help engage your reader so don't be shy here if you have something great to share! You can list facts, information, accomplishments, etc... and the AI will turn it into a cohesive bio for you.

5. Choose the projected number of chapters if you have a desired amount. If you pick "Choose for me", the number of chapters will be selected based on what structure best fits your book's content. If you manually select the number of chapters, the AI will do its best to fit generated content within that number of chapters.

Notes to Consider
If you have a ten-step-process, you can set your projected number of chapters to 10. You can always add or remove chapters and their bullets using the editor view on the left hand side once the outline is generated.

6. Last, click the Generate button. You will see the process begin in the output section on the right side of the screen.

7. Outlines are usually generated in 11-16 minutes, though this can be affected by how many people are using our software at any given time.

You will see a loading bar to show your generation progress. If you would like to leave the page and come back when it is done, you can!

You will be sent a notification within and an email notification when your generation is ready for your review.

If you are happy with the results, you can copy the entire outline by clicking the Copy button at the top right section of the page. Or, you can highlight specific sections and use Control-C to copy them to your clipboard.

If you would like a new set of results, simply click the generate button again to reset the prompt and create a new outline! The outline that you see is the one that our AI will use when you move onto the next step.

If you can see 1 of 2, you have selected 1 to proceed with.
If you can see 2 of 2, you have selected 2 to proceed with.

Our text editor will allow you to make changes to your generated outline content.
You can move sections around or click on a section and type new text in/ paste from a document you wish to copy and paste from.

It is advised that you use bullet points in order to keep the content consistent within each section if you are adding content. Sections will be seperated by

**section title**:

If you use this formatting around any of your text, our AI model will bold it, and consider it a section title.

If you would like to learn more about our outline text editor please click here!

Pay attention to your wordcount and subchapter count at the top of your outline output. If your wordcount and subchapter count does not show a manuscript above 30,000 words, do not proceed onto the next step unless it is intentional for some cases (like educational books for a younger audience).

Once you are ready to move onto the writing sample, hit Yes, continue.
You will see a pop up letting you know that you will not be able to change the order of the chapters and the content within the outline.

REMINDER: It is always best to read through the outline to ensure it aligns with what you want this book to be about as it may need further refinement. Make sure that if you have a personal coach, you book a call and go over your outline before moving on to the ghostwriting phase.

If you feel something in this guide is missing, please let us know by reaching out to [email protected] and sharing your feedback!

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