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Guide: Text Editor -Outline and Manuscript
Guide: Text Editor -Outline and Manuscript
Rebecca Pierce avatar
Written by Rebecca Pierce
Updated over a week ago

We have introduced a text editor feature into the software for the outline and full manuscript. Below you will find guided instructions for both editors.

Outline Text Editor

Once your outline is generated, you will see the output appear on the right side of your screen.

If you wish to edit content, you can!
Click on the 'Edit Mode' button on the top right of your output to expand the window to full screen.

You will see a Table of Contents on the left side of your screen which will show you the chapter outline for your book.

Use the arrow beside the chapter content to expand your chapters. If you hover over your chapters, they will appear in purple. When highlighted in purple, you can click on the chapters to expand further and see your sub-chapters.

When you click on each section, it will take you to that section within the manuscript to allow for easy editing.

Click on the section you wish to edit and you will see a purple editing box appear around it. You can start typing in content you want to add, or you can copy and paste.

Want to change the order of your chapters or sub chapters? No Problem!
You can now drag and drop to reorganize the content and it will change in your manuscript!


1.) Please use Bullet Points if you are adding in content that is a new section as it will help our AI models read the information more clearly and delivery it to you in an organized way in your manuscript.

2.) Text surrounded by **text** are titles.
If you change this, they will not be considered hierarchies and will not appear in bold. If you are adding a title section to your content, you may place your title in **________** to apply the same formatting to your added content.

Adding or Deleting Chapters

If you want to add chapters, you can by clicking the add chapter button.

If you wish to move a chapter, you can do so with the up and down arrows in each chapter section.

If you wish to delete a chapter, you can do so by using the little trash can on the top right of each chapter section.


​Delete Something By Accident?
Not to worry! You can use the undo or redo arrows at the top of your manuscript.

Demo Video Walkthrough- Full Instructions

Once you have edited your outline to your liking, you may click continue to move onto the next step of the process which is 'Writing Sample'

To make sure you are happy with your outline, you will see a pop up!

Further edits CANNOT be made to the outline after you click 'Yes, generate the Writing Sample' so if you are not sure, click I want to review it again, and double check!

Happy Editing!


Manuscript Text Editor

Once your manuscript is generated you will have the ability to review and edit it within's platform with our manuscript editor.
This editor allows you to add and change content and ensure you have clean basic formatting so you can hand it off to a formatter ready for design!

On the top left of your manuscript, the editing toolbar will appear.

On the top right of your manuscript, the Wordcount viewer and 'Copy' button will appear.

As you make edits to your manuscript, notice how the wordcount viewer will adjust so you can keep track of how your edits will effect the length of your book.

Remember: We suggest that your book be in the rage of 30,000-35,000 words.
Somewhere around here is the sweetspot!

To-Do List

In the left side of your screen, you will see a To-Do List to guide you through the proper editing process. You can use the check boxes to keep you on track as you work your way through the different stages of review and editing. Remember to care for your book as if you were putting your own name on it, even if you are using a pen name!

If you wish to close this side bar so that you can focus on your manuscript, you can do so with the drawer closer tab that looks like this. The arrow will point left (<) to close, and right (>) to open.


Bold, Italics, and Underline are commen tools we all use, but don't forget to use headings if you add in any sections that may need to be formatted as a heading once your raw manuscript goes to an interior book designer.

You can use the 'Headings' tool here:

If you are unsure what type of heading may be used within your manuscript already, and you want to find out, simply highlight it, and click in the headings tool to see which heading style is highlighted.

This can help ensure you stay consistent with the headings that are already in place for the organization of your book.

Text Alignment

You can change the text alignment of your book by selecting the text align tool in the toolbar. This can be useful if you have block quotes and you want to use justify to keep all the lines the same length, or if you have callouts you wish to center.

Block Quotes are typically used for quotes that are 40 words or more. Quotation marks are not used.

Lists and Bullet Points

Many non-fiction books have numbered lists or bulleted lists to organize information in a clean way for the reader. To ensure that any content you add is formatted correctly in your raw manuscript for design, you can use this tool to turn any generated content, or added content into a list if you see fit!

AI Tools

We have introduced AI tools into the Manuscript Editor.

Our integrated AI editor can significantly enhance the writing and content editing process by providing tools that cater to a variety of potential needs you may have to make your manuscript exactly what you want it to be for you and your reader audience!

Rephrase Tool


  • used to improved clarity and readability, rephrase sentences to make them clearer and easier to understand. This is particularly useful for those whose wish to have a reading language that is less advanced. you have control to change confusing sentences to the phrasing that you like best without losing the context.

  • Rephrasing can also enhance the style and tone to match the intended audience ensuring the content resonates well with your readers.

It can also help avoid plagiarism! By rephrasing content you may add in, you can bring unique phrasing to inspired text.

To use the Rephrase tool, simply highlight the sentense or phrase you want to paraphrase. Go to the AI Tools in the tool bar and click Rephrase~ Voila! You can continue to rephrase until you are happy with the given results.

If you want to go back Click the Undo/Redo buttons.

(Demo-No Sound)

Make Shorter


  • Summarize for Efficiency! Condense long paragraphs or thoughts into shorter versions, makes it easier for readers to grasp the key points without getting lost in longer text.

  • Condensing can enhance focus by removing redundant or non-essential information, the condensed text becomes more focused and impactful for your reader.

(Demo-No Sound)

To use the Make Shorter tool, simply highlight the sentense or phrase you want to Make Shorter. Go to the AI Tools in the tool bar and click Make Shorter~ Voila! You can continue to make shorter until you are happy with the given results.

Make Longer


  • Need more explanation or further elaboration? Expanding your text makes it easier to meet increase count or simply provide a more in-depth analysis.

  • Expanding content can enrich the text with additional examples, context, or background information, improving the reader's understanding and engagement.

(Demo-No Sound)

To use the Make Longer tool, simply highlight the sentense or phrase you want to expand. Go to the AI Tools in the tool bar and click Make Longer~ Voila! You can continue to expand until you are happy with the given results.

Undo/ Redo

If you make a mistake, not to worry! You can use the undo or redo buttons to fix an unintentional edit!

Finishing up!

When you are happy with your manuscript editing, you can copy the full document using the 'Copy' button.

With the Manuscript copied to your clipboard, we suggest you paste it into a Google Drive document for safe keeping. If you are not using Google Docs for your manuscripts, we recomment saving your manuscript to another cloud storage with the current version and date stamp of the last edit, so you always know which is the final one you were working with.

When you are happy with your final edit, you can give your manuscript to a book designer for interior formatting. Remember to watch the Formatting Your Book lesson for all the details!

If you feel something in this guide is missing, please let us know by reaching out to [email protected] and sharing your feedback!

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