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How To Get ASINs and ISBN-10s For Customer Research avatar
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Updated over 10 months ago

This article provides a guide on how to locate and troubleshoot ASIN (Amazon Standard Identification Number) and ISBN (International Standard Book Number) book numbers on Amazon. Understanding ASIN and ISBN numbers can greatly improve your customer research output quality.
Our AI models will scrape the reviews for the books that you have selected to help understand what your customers like and dont like about the books-- what is helpful, what was missing and essentially, what you can do better!
Make sure that you are including more than 1 ASIN or 10- Digit ISBN, or you will get skewed results very specific to one book. 2-5 books on your POC topic with at least 20 reviews each is recommended. If there are many books in your niche that would be relevant, select those with upwords of 40-50 reviews.

Here is a video explaining how to locate ASINs and ISBNs for the generator: πŸŽ₯ Watch Now

Key Tips πŸ’‘

1. Please ensure that you are gathering relevant, similar ASIN & ISBN numbers for your specific, targeted niche. The wrong review research will be pulled and make your book inaccurate if you do otherwise.

If you are publishing a book about "Companion Planting for Beginners", you do not want to list an ASIN/ISBN for a "Vegetable Gardening for Beginners" book since the topics differ.

2. Use only when locating ASINs and ISBNs.
After typing or pasting your ASIN or ISBN-10 numbers, type comma (,) and hit enter [enter]. This will confirm your submission and you will see it appear in a gray tag

How to Troubleshoot if an ASIN/ISBN does not work

  1. If your ASIN/ISBN is too many or too few or too many characters, an orange error prompt will appear

If you click on the exclimation point you will see a notification telling you the error

2. Click on either the "pencil" icon or "X" icon to edit or remove the number accordingly

3. When all your numbers are 10 digits and correctly represent an ASIN or ISBN, you will no longer see error notifications and you are set to proceed by clicking the Generate button.

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