Before asking a question in the Facebook group, please search this FAQ knowledge base and see if your question has already been answered here. Use the search bar at the top of this page to type in what you are looking for, and all information relating to that will appear.
Most questions in the FAQ document are answered in the course and the AIA Resource Cheatsheet. If there is anything you think we missed, please contact the community managers in the AIA Facebook group.
Please Note: 3rd party app/extension/software providers periodically raise/change their pricing. AIA has no control over this and no input on third-party service providers' pricing structures. Also note: Taxes on said services/products will vary according to your country/province/territory region.
These two factors may cause prices to be slightly higher/lower than spoken about in the course.
Video on how to use Facebook/Facebook feed for AIA can be found here:
The two most commonly asked questions in the Facebook community:
Q: Should I buy KDRIO with KDSpy
A: No, you should not; it is unnecessary.
How to create a shortcut in Google Drive:
DO NOT review other AIA member’s books (ebook or print). Amazon knows that you are somehow connected.
** Please read Amazon/KDP TOS in regards to what you can/cannot review
*** This does not apply to ACX (Audible). While exchanging positive reviews is not allowed - it is perfectly fine to review other publishers' books - so long as you leave an honest review.