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How Do I Enable the Table of Contents In Reedsy for the 7 Day Profit Challenge?
How Do I Enable the Table of Contents In Reedsy for the 7 Day Profit Challenge?

In this article, you will learn how to enable the Table of Contents in Reedsy for the 7 Day Profit Challenge

Churchill Adoga avatar
Written by Churchill Adoga
Updated over a week ago

At the end of this article, you will have learned how to enable the Table of Contents in Reedsy to display in your book.

Step 1

You should have already imported your manuscript into Reedsy as shown in the lesson.

If not, import and follow the steps outlined below.

Step 2

  • Open Reedsy ( and log in if you are not logged in already.

  • Click on “My Books”

  • Find the book title you want to publish and click on “Write”

Step 3

  • Click “edit” where it lists “Front Matter”

You will see “Table of Contents” listed with a button to the right of it. Click on that button to enable the Table of Contents. It will be highlighted in blue afterwards.

Step 4

If you click on “Table of Contents” it will open and you will see your table of contents displayed

This Table of Contents will be included when you import your manuscript and upload to KDP.

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